Bob Johnston, Principal at JSA Sport Architecture Inc.

Special guest

Bob Johnston has over 40 years of experience as an award-winning Sport Stadium and Venue Design Architect, with a specialization in artificial turf design for high performance sport surfacing.

After almost 12 years as a Principal and the National Sports Practice Leader with Cannon Design, I decided it was time to seek new adventures and opportunities. Retaining my enthusiasm and excitement for sport architecture, I have formed a new sport design and consulting practice, JSA Sport Architecture Inc. With a number of long standing colleagues and sport design experts joining me in the new venture, the future is bright and exciting.

Our services include sport facility architectural design and planning, Games and special event planning and sports surfacing consulting. Our team members have well over 20 years of individual experience. We look forward to maintaining our valued existing client relationships as well as developing and growing new ones.

Bob Johnston, Principal at JSA Sport Architecture Inc. has been a guest on 2 episodes.