Jason Deese - Founder of FLASH Weather AI

Special guest

Severe weather can strike unexpectedly, posing challenges for businesses and communities. As a former meteorologist with 25+ years of experience, I founded Flash Weather AI—a cutting-edge weather intelligence company—to revolutionize severe weather preparation.

Flash Weather AI's primary focus is lightning prediction. Our advanced AI-powered technology forecasts lightning strikes with remarkable accuracy, 1 to 6 hours in advance, and provides detailed information up to 1 hour before. Empowering safety measures, we offer real-time lightning strike notifications for efficiency, readiness, and safety. Providing continuous lightning activity updates every 2 minutes.

For critical infrastructures, our custom URLs and real-time monitoring optimize operations during severe weather. Flash Weather AI seamlessly integrates into existing systems, providing real-time updates with 99% accuracy via our API.

Our mission is simple: to create a safer planet. With unwavering dedication, we enhance your readiness, response, and recovery through advanced AI intelligence, providing accurate and timely predictions.

Jason Deese - Founder of FLASH Weather AI has been a guest on 1 episode.