Kevin Carpenter, Coach, Teacher and The GratiDude / Grateful 4 Golf

Special guest

Throughout my career, I’ve enjoyed building long-standing relationships with clients and industry influencers. With an extensive background in product development and technology sales of GPS software and hardware products across several companies, I’ve built a rich industry network of clients and influencers who I respect and enjoy serving.

Starting in June of 2024, all activities of mine are being housed under the umbrella of the Grateful 4 Organization.
Coaching and Teaching
Uplifting and Organzing
Innovating and Disrupting

Grateful For Golf (G4G) Inc. provides recreation, mentorship, education and vocational training opportunities for at-risk youth. G4G will educate young people about the recreational, career and personal development opportunities available through both the golf industry and the various modes of participating in the physical game of golf. G4G takes a startup approach with no added infrastructure or middle management.

In the process of all of these incredible career achievements, there was trouble brewing. Hugely successful product launches, sales records, world travel and high pay followed, however I was slowly killing myself with alcohol, and lived for about 15 years as a highly productive alcoholic.

After saving myself from myself, with the help of my alter ego, The GratiDude, I set out to create a new plan to build a life of meaning around giving back in concrete and long lasting ways.
That is why we created the Grateful4 Organization, a collective of affiliate nonprofit educating, uplifting, and bringing new talent to old industries.

I previously worked in golf car telematics and SaaS going back over 25 years. Built teams, organizations, companies and families.

All of my previous engagements in Golf Technology resulted in successful liquidity events and profitable exits.

Kevin Carpenter, Coach, Teacher and The GratiDude / Grateful 4 Golf has been a guest on 2 episodes.