Dr. Greta Anderson - Founder of Dr. Greta Golf and LPGA Teaching Professional
Co-Host of The ModGolf Podcast
Dr. Greta is an educator, researcher and business leader with more than 20 years of professional experience in qualitative and quantitative research, instruction, and small business development. Throughout her corporate career, she consistently served as a high performer and is particularly adept at identifying the right questions to move the client toward their goals. During this time, Dr. Greta has successfully branched out to become an entrepreneur focused on the development of top-quality education products and services.
Most recently, Dr. Greta has focused her energy into creating a business practice that allows for the integration of her life’s experiences and academic, corporate, entrepreneurial and coaching skill sets. Both friends and clients often describe her as a 'natural teacher', so it's no surprise that mental strategy, measurability and inspired discipline are the cornerstones of Dr. Greta's service offerings!
To learn more about Dr. Greta, check out her Instagram @drgretagolf.
Dr. Greta Anderson - Founder of Dr. Greta Golf and LPGA Teaching Professional has hosted six Episodes.
November 4th, 2022 | Season 12 | 19 mins 56 secs
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That's a wrap for Season 12 of The ModGolf Podcast! Our team is currently working on your next twelve episodes for Season 13, which launches early December 2022. We heard some amazing stories from a diverse group of guests who discussed how inclusion, technology, entertainment, music, celebrity, hospitality and community building intersect to shape the future of golf.
How a Simple Invitation Becomes a Powerful Way To Grow Golf - Laura Diaz, Sr. Director of Community & Inclusion With The LPGA
October 10th, 2022 | Season 12 | 30 mins 6 secs
#makegolfyourthing, dr greta anderson, entrepreneurship, future of golf, golf business, golf industry, innovation, laura diaz, lpga, make golf your thing, modgolf, modgolf podcast, modgolfpodcast, pga of america, project 72, usga
"If you can see it, you can be it". If I can see somebody that looks like me, if there is that representation then I know I can get into this sport, or I can see a career in it." Our guest host Dr. Greta Anderson sits down with The LPGA's Sr. Director of Community & Inclusion Laura Diaz who shares insights gathered starting from her first swing growing up in Puerto Rico.
April 30th, 2022 | Season 11 | 22 mins 10 secs
#makegolfyourthing, british columbia golf, entrepreneurship, future of golf, golf business, golf canada, golf genius software, golf industry, innovation, make golf your thing, modgolf, modgolf podcast, modgolfpodcast, pga of america, the pga show, usga
That's a wrap for Season 11 of The ModGolf Podcast! Our team is currently working on your next twelve episodes for Season 12, which launches early June 2022. We heard some amazing stories from a diverse group of guests who discussed how inclusion, technology, entertainment, music, celebrity, hospitality and community building intersect to shape the future of golf.
Empowering People With Disabilities Through Adaptive Golf -Deborah Smith, Prosthetics Entrepreneur and Adaptive Athlete
January 6th, 2022 | Season 11 | 44 mins 50 secs
adaptive golf, deborah smith, dr. greta anderson, golf business, golf canada, golf podcast, limb difference, modgolf, modgolf podcast, paragolf, pga of america, psyonic
"I talk to people with limb difference almost daily and hear their stories. I have a clear understanding of the empowerment that Adaptive Sports can bring to people with disabilities. For me, getting back into golf after a three decade sabbatical, it's such a joy.” We open Season 11 with guest host Dr. Greta Anderson sitting down with entrepreneur, three time cancer survivor and adaptive athlete Deborah Smith to hear her story of resilience, hope and gratitude.
December 13th, 2021 | Season 10 | 21 mins 23 secs
agustin piza, arjun chowdri, bryan crawford, chris noble, dr. greta anderson, full swing simulators, golf business, golf canada, golf podcast, golfballs.com, golfhers, jeehae lee, kelly hunt, lisa o'hurley, lohla sport, marc simon, matt fisher, modgolf, modgolf podcast, mr. short game, nextgengolf, pga of america, pga show, rbc canadian open, ron powers, southworth development, swing suite, tom cox, topgolf
That's a wrap for Season 10 of The ModGolf Podcast! Our team is currently working on your next twelve episodes for Season 11, which launches early January 2022. We heard some amazing stories from a diverse group of guests who discussed how inclusion, technology, entertainment, music, celebrity, hospitality and community building intersect to shape the future of golf.
Inspiring Women To Build a Career In The Golf Industry - Kelly Hunt, Founder of GolfHers
August 11th, 2021 | Season 10 | 35 mins 33 secs
diversity and inclusion, dr greta golf, future of golf, golf, golf channel, golfhers, greta anderson, innovation, kelly hunt, modgolf, modgolfpodcast, pga of america, racial justice, women golf professionals, womens golf
Welcome to Season 10 of The Modgolf Podcast! Our guest host Dr. Greta Anderson sits down with Kelly Hunt - The Founder of GolfHers - to learn how she is building a community platform to increase the number of women in the golf industry from 5% currently to a future goal of 50%.